Thursday, October 6, 2011

Serious: What *really* matters?

This year I will turn 35; in just a few weeks, actually. I feel like 34 was an interesting 'turning point' for me. I spent most of my twenties being an idiot - you couldn't pay me to go back to being 25, honestly. The first half of my thirties included getting married and having my beautiful babies, and now it feels like I can almost breathe again. Just for a minute. During the kids' naptime. During those few peaceful minutes, I've started reflecting on things that really matter.

My heart has really been softened in the last year and I realize that I want to care about the things that God cares about. Because of different circumstances, I realize that this boils down to relationship.  With my husband. My kids. My parents. My sister and brother-in-law. Reza's family. My amazing friends.

Not the pursuit of the almighty dollar.

Not a Fancy Shmancy job title.

Not the size or our house or the coolness of our car. (Which is really good because our house is small and I believe the other name for a minivan is "loser cruiser.")

I want the structure of my life to reflect my values, so I am rearranging things to that end. I don't even know what that looks like really, but I'm working on it. Stay tuned, people.

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.


Anonymous said...

love it! i love blogs... especially those written by people i know. i am inspired by strong women, especially those who "surrendered" career for family... i think that's because i made the same choice. it was the toughest decision i've made, and the ABSOLUTE best! i'm glad you're blogging again... i look forward to reading your thoughts. and i love the whole silly/serious idea. what a clever way to show both sides of life... especially because they usually happen in-sync :)

Allyson said...

Thanks Camryn! I love reading your blog too - we sure have been thinking about you guys with all that's going on.

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